: Risk Control completes study on infrastructure debt capital charges

The report, commissioned by Global Infrastructure Hub, examines the grounds on which regulators have set capital charges and whether they are commensurate with risk.

Consulting, Insurers, Regulation

: Risk Control presents to EBA on regulatory issues

Risk Control presents analysis of IRB credit scoring models to European regulators. Banks, Credit Risk, Regulation

: Risk Control comments on EBA Technical Standards

Risk Control submits detailed comments on EBA Regulatory Technical Standards on use of the Basel 3 SEC-IRBA appproach to capital for securitisation exposures. Risk Control’s comments identify additional areas on which the EBA should guide the industry in SEC-IRBA implementation. Banks, Consulting, Regulation

: Global ABS presentation

Risk Control participates in the panel discussion ‘Overview of Basel IV Capital Rules, Solvency II and How They Affect ABS’ at the Global ABS conference in Barcelona. Banks, Insurers, Regulation

: Presentation on Corporate Bond Market Liquidity

Risk Control presents a preview of a soon-to-be published report on liquidity in the European corporate bond market to ICMA’s Secondary Market Practices Committee. Banks, Insurers, Investment Firms, Regulation